I want to do things that scare me, that make me think, and wonder. Emma Watson once said, "Sometimes, we need to be amazed." And I completely believe her.
Because I intend to use this blog a lot more than I used my other blogs, I want a record of my bucket list that I can refer back to and tell you all about as I do these things. I want to accomplish things and go places, and I want to look back on my life when I'm a grandmother and be able to tell my children and grandchildren that life is about making the most of all the scary, amazing moments, and that I'm proud to say that I made the absolute most of my life.
So anyway, here's my bucket list.
Witness the Aurora Borealis (Northern Lights)
Ride the London Eye
See a whale shark in real life
Visit the Hagia Sophia
Take a picture every day of my first pregnancy to track growth
Bike through Times Square at midnight
Walk Hollywood Boulevard ("Star Sidewalk")
Participate in a Color Run
Shake hands with a famous person (preferably President Obama, or John/Hank Green)
Write and Publish at least one book, even if it sucks
Kiss in the rain
Visit a Native American campsite
See a Broadway musical
Ride an elephant
Go to the Sundance Film Festival
Go to Coachella
Ride to the top of the Eiffel Tower
Try on a Vera Wang wedding gown
Visit Saint Basil's Cathedral in Moscow's Red Square
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