Monday, September 23, 2013

Songs That Never Get Old

I don't have a whole lot of time but it's been on my mind lately to create a list of songs that never get old, no matter how many times you listen to them. After careful contemplation, here are a few on my personal list. 

"Jack and Diane" by John Mellencamp
"Boomerang" by The Summer Set
"Radioactive" by Marina and the Diamonds
"Poison and Wine" by The Civil Wars
"I Will Never Stop" by *NSYNC

Of course, as I think of more, I'll post more to let you know. But if you haven't listened to these songs yet, I require of you to stop what you're doing and listen to them. You will only regret the fact that they will inevitably get stuck in your head. ;)

Monday, September 16, 2013

Clubs on Clubs on Clubs

This year, I've decided to get more involved within my high school than I have in recent years, because I'm an upperclassmen, and I think it's about time I pushed myself out of my comfort zone. I want to try things that I would normally shy away from, because why the hell not? There's nobody telling me I can't but myself, so I'm just gonna shut myself up and do the things I want to do. For example, I'm gonna play football for my school's Homecoming Powder Puff game. It's something that never would've even crossed my mind until this year. To be totally honest, I'm absolutely terrified, especially because the majority of the girls that are doing it are friends with each other, but not necessarily friends with me. I have three other friends of mine that are doing it with me, so that's comforting, but I'm also worried that I'll make a fool of myself. But at the end of the day, I'm just going to regret not doing it if I convince myself to back out. It's a memory in the making, and I know that the triumph of overcoming my social anxiety will be worth a few minutes of terrifying exposure out on the field. This school year is going to be the year of trying really hard to be the best possible version of myself. (That was my New Year's Resolution for 2013, but I'm just going to reiterate it and make it the New School Year Resolution for 2013-2014.) I can only benefit from that mentality.

Speaking of clubs and activities, I'm planning on taking part in A LOT of them, which will make for some pretty interesting, diverse posts in the future. ;) Here's a brief list of  said current and/or potential clubs/activities.

  • Film Club
  • French Club
  • French National Honor Society
  • FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America)
  • Fitness and Adventure Club
  • Tri-M (Music Honor Society) (of which I am treasurer, thankyouverymuch.) 
  • Powder Puff 2013
  • Interact Club
  • NHS (National Honor Society) 

I don't know how I'm going to find the time to fit all this in plus fencing that I do outside of school, a rigorous honors/AP schedule, and trying to maintain a semblance of a social life. But having a license opens up, literally, a world of opportunities. :) Here's to sleepless weeks of making memories!