Sunday, May 22, 2016

9 Things I Learned from Staying in a Cabin for 48 Hours for No Reason

In case you were wondering what it's like to go on what is an essential "stay-cation" in your hometown, literally 5 minutes away from the Chipotle you used to always go to before one was built closer to your house.

1. You will have neighbors, even if you're staying at the cabin in May before Memorial Day and it's a rainy weekend during which no one in their right mind thinks to go "camping."

Somewhere, not really in the middle of nowhere, but still
2. Usually the aforementioned neighbors will not make themselves known until you want to go to sleep.
Us, not amused

3. You'd be surprised how bold these deer can be.

I didn't get a picture of the deer, but one walked on THAT VERY PATCH OF DIRT right before our eyes
4. Wood paneling is still (very much) a thing.


5. S'mores taste better when your brother makes sure you come outside and make them with everyone else instead of staying inside for fear of mosquitoes (and other creepy crawlies).

6. The only pictures you should be taking are with a Polaroid or Polaroid-ish camera, for #aesthetic reasons. I made that rule up, but I also broke it a few times. It's cool.

7. Don't go in rivers barefoot, there's sewage in rivers, it's a thing, trust me. But I mean, if you're fearless, you do you, boo.

8. Your sister will ask you to watch "Fight Club" with her, reminding you throughout the day that you have plans to do so, and then promptly fall asleep 20 minutes into the movie, but that is no reason not to do it anyway.

9. You could probably do it again because it wasn't actually *that* bad, and the excuse to play board games with your family even if you think you're too old for them is a good enough reason to come back.

Gotta love my fave weirdos

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

I'm a Free Woman (!!!)

Since I wrote last, I've finished my first year of college!!! Looking back, it was harder than I realized at the time because all I was focused on was getting through it as successfully as possible. But I did it! Not being one to toot my own horn that often, I must say that I'm pretty proud of myself for everything I did this year, not the least of which was making some really great friends. I miss them already... But like, I can do things like drive and sleep when I'm home... So I guess I'll just see them in August!

But anyway, my summer has already begun now that my academic year is over. Currently, I'm in the process of getting a job, as well as planning a few trips that are coming up very soon. It's fun while also being kind of stressful, which is kind of how I imagine adulthood to be. Also, upon my mom's not so subtle suggestion, it's apparently time to transition my bedroom from high school to college. Or, in other words, get rid of all my useless crap and make it look nice for once. Which I have mixed feelings about. On one hand, I love my useless crap, otherwise I wouldn't have kept it for the past few (many) years. On the other hand, I've watched A LOT of HGTV recently. I'm kind of ready for this.

Speaking of changes, I'm feeling very... open to change, I guess you could say. In addition to completely overhauling my entire bedroom, I'm feeling incredibly inspired to try lots of other new things. For example, I've traditionally avoided classic books, like 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, and Phantom of the Opera, and yet, I bought both of these two days ago. Also, my hair has gotten incredibly long (I'm talking touching-the-top-of-my-pants long) and I desperately want to chop it off, despite the fact that I've wanted hair this long my entire life and have never had a good experience with short hair. WHO EVEN AM I? Here's to hoping my entirely out-of-character impulses don't end badly!

I just wanted to write because I haven't in a while, and it felt kind of necessary. Hopefully this summer will be interesting enough that I'll have reason enough to write more. I will also hopefully break out of this literary rut in which all I write about are life updates instead of stuff that is of actual merit and is, I don't know, fun. But we'll see. :P

To leave you, here's a link to an Adele song that I am listening to right this very second that I love already. Seriously, it's awesome. Ugh, what can't this woman do?