What happened in Orlando over the weekend has taken a toll on many and has caused many of us to (re)open our eyes to the consequences of our country's stance on gun control. I said before that while thoughts and prayers mean a lot, they just aren't enough anymore. What needs to happen is action. If you think that nothing is being done to prevent these atrocious crimes, do something about it. Seriously, it won't take long or much effort, but every voice counts.
This website will tell you how your state senators voted in regards to background checks for rifle purchases. Elsewhere on the website it will also tell you if your senator is one of the many who've received funding from the NRA. If this displeases you, tell them. Don't stay silent.
Yet another thing you can do is sign a White House petition to end the sale of AR-15 weapons to civilians, who, in my 100% biased opinion, do not need to be in the hands of civilians at all, no matter the fact that they are "highly accurate and customizable weapon[s]... sought after for hunting" (taken directly from another petition opting to disregard this petition).
It's just too much to keep seeing these things happen, so much and so often that we're becoming desensitized to it. The day we all become numb is the day all hope is lost. Please please please don't let this become just another headline.
EDIT: In wake of all of this politicizing of a mass shooting, please also don't forget the people who died in Orlando. Please don't forget that, despite your opinions on LGBTQA+ rights, these were people just the same, and they had people who loved them.